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Ningbo Jinhan Machinery Mold Limited Company is a limited liability company (natural person investment or holding) registered in Beilun District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. The registered address is located at No. 198, Hengshan Village, Dazhen Street, Ningbo City. The unified social credit code/registration number of Ningbo Jinhan Mechanical Machinery Mold is limited to the company's legal person, Gu Dongsheng, who is currently in the opening state. Ningbo Jinhan Machinery Holding Limited Company's business scope is: mechanical equipment, mechanical accessories, molds, automotive accessories, metal products, plastic products, lamps, hardware, electronic component manufacturing, wholesale, retail; hardware processing ; Self -employed and agent import and export business of various types of goods and technologies (except for national limited companies operating or prohibiting import and export goods and technology). In Zhejiang Province, the total registered capital of the company with similar operating scope was 158.731 million yuan, and the main capital was concentrated in enterprises with a scale of 10-10 million and 10 million to 50 million, with a total of 5,478. Within the province, the registered capital of the current enterprise is good. In Baidu Enterprise Credit View Ningbo Jinhan Machinery Mold limited company more information and information.
Ningbo Jinhan Machinery Mold Limited Company is a limited liability company (natural person investment or holding) registered in Beilun District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. The registered address is located at No. 198, Hengshan Village, Dazhen Street, Ningbo City.
The unified social credit code/registration number of Ningbo Jinhan Mechanical Machinery Mold is limited to the company's legal person, Gu Dongsheng, who is currently in the opening state.
Ningbo Jinhan Machinery Holding Limited Company's business scope is: mechanical equipment, mechanical accessories, molds, automotive accessories, metal products, plastic products, lamps, hardware, electronic component manufacturing, wholesale, retail; hardware processing ; Self -employed and agent import and export business of various types of goods and technologies (except for national limited companies operating or prohibiting import and export goods and technology). In Zhejiang Province, the total registered capital of the company with similar operating scope was 158.731 million yuan, and the main capital was concentrated in enterprises with a scale of 10-10 million and 10 million to 50 million, with a total of 5,478. Within the province, the registered capital of the current enterprise is good.
In Baidu Enterprise Credit View Ningbo Jinhan Machinery Mold limited company more information and information.